Emotion code
Emotion code

The Emotion Code™ is a way to tap into the subconscious and reveal how emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of “trapped emotions.”

Developed by renowned holistic physician Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion code is a powerful way to rid yourself of unseen baggage that you’ve been dragging around for a lifetime. Trapped emotions can hold you back from achieving goals, create self-sabotage and recurring relationship difficulties, as well as create actual physical pain and malfunction.

Chart of trapped emotions​Emotion Code sessions can be done in person, but they can also be via proxy via phone or a video conference from any location in the world.

Information about trapped emotions is in the subconscious mind.

  • Muscle testing (kinesiology) accesses that information easily.
  • We can determine what the subconscious mind already knows.
  • We can release trapped emotions from the subconscious.
  • There’s no need to dredge up the past and relive it.
  • Everything discussed is always confidential.

Most people say the Emotion Code helps them feel lighter and more free, but we often see the immediate disappearance of major health and emotional issues, too. The results depend on how many trapped emotions you have and how quickly your body responds after they are removed.

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