For most people, the current worldwide health situation has added another layer of stress to an already multi-layered life. Whether your life concerns were intense or mild a month ago, today’s world affairs have added another layer, perhaps a heavier, more dense layer. But unlike lasagna, this extra layer won’t end up being delicious. It’s likely much harder to digest.
That discomfort or pain in the stomach and digestive track is simply a stress response. When stress chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline are released, the body automatically shuts down the big ticket, energy-consuming functions like digestion. And all things related to digestion are affected, such as dry mouth (no saliva needed to help chew food), butterflies in the stomach, bowel discomfort, even diarrhea. Your body doesn’t know the difference between a scary new article about a virus and a bear chasing you in the woods.
What do you really believe about your current situation? What thoughts come to mind on a daily basis, whether they’re spoken out loud or just repeated silently? When you wake up in the middle of the night, what’s the first thought that comes to mind?
Your subconscious is where those automatic thoughts are stored. It’s where the “I’m not safe” message is housed. But by targeting those thoughts specifically, you can release them and store a new thought that is more empowering and positive.